Experience is vital in the acquisition of most personal present knowledge, without practice and exposure to past knowledge, it proves unquestionably difficult to have a satisfactory grasp of present knowledge.
A few months ago I took a philosophy class which completely blew my mind. I wanted to share my favorite take aways which I found myself to be contemplating for a long while after the semester had ended. How does our memory work?
H ow can we teach ourselves to be non biased? Can we ever be completely non-biased? Ultimately, is our present knowledge completely dependent on past knowledge? Here are some things to consider as well as different ways to be aware and intentional when applying your own perspective on life.
E mpiricists will argue that is in fact impossible to obtain present knowledge without being completely dependent on past knowledge. How dependent is knowledge that has been learned in modern times to information that has been learned and retained throughout the years and will be continued to be passed on?
In reference to philosophy, the study of knowledge itself, knowledge is defined as a “justified true belief”, as Plato described it. To state that it is “wholly dependent” on past knowledge, one would have to recognize that it is insinuated as being completely and utterly reliant on.